Read This !

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If you are reading this then you already have taken a few steps in protecting yourself from possible scams. So I am sure, when I say you should be careful and research these sites before you decided to join and invest. I am going to try and and give you some pointers on how to stay safe and how to spot a possible scam.
  1. Google Search - Most of you probably know this, but just in case...USE GOOGLE. It is excellent at capturing these sites and info about a possible scam. I would suggest your search term should have the site's name with the term SCAM 
  2. Look over the site - What I mean by that is, test the links on the site. Are they working? If you click on a link that says "contact us" is it functional? Does the "contact us" page load? Usually if a site has more than one dead link, it can mean a sign of trouble. Either the owner has abandon the site and is just leaving it up to see if it will come back to life. Or the site is just made to look more than what is seems. Some owners will close a site down and have a new web address and new site up within days. So make sure the site is operational.
  3. READ THE TERMS OF SERVICE!! So many of us are guilty of not reading the TOS. I know, it can be boring as hell! But that is the point fo the TOS. Watch out for the wordage. And take a screen shot of the TOS on the day you signes up. You never know when it might be needed later down the road.
  4. Signing up - If you find something suspicious about the site through your search, and you decide to join and become a member, there are some precautions you should take.The only real thing you should give them is a email address so you can confirm your account with them. And make sure it is not your main email address. I would suggest you sign up on Gmail and use that email address when signing up on these PTC sites. Why? Well, to be safe. Cause some of these sites might be a scam, and they gather info and use it against you, or they sell it and spam the hell out of you. And you don't want that.
  5. Ads, OK, you now have joined this site. And they are going to pay you to view ads, or to complete offers. When you click on these ads, check them out! Find out who it is that is paying you to view these ads. Let me try to explain this to you as best as I can.

    Ads that run on PTC sites are suppose to be from outside advertisers. Meaning they are paying the PTC site/owner to show their ads to you! However, most of the time that is not the case. When you see a site showing their own ads or self-sponsored ads that is a big clue that they are showing these ads to you for free. Which means no one is paying the site to show you the ads. So now you must ask yourself, how are they going to pay you when it comes time for you to cash out? If no one is paying the owner, then where is the funds going to come from?

    Many sites will show their own affiliate links in their ads. Take for instance, Clickbank. Many PTC site owners are affiliates/a member of Clickbank. Which means if they sell their product to you they make a commission off of that sell. But here is the downfall of that idea, they only make profits if there is a sell. They do not make any profit off of showing you the ad or if you click on it. Only if you buy it! Which means they are "counting their chickens before they hatch" and depending on people to buy from Clickbank.

    This kind of advertising can be risky and can lead a PTC site to it's doom. In order to run a successful PTC site, you must have a dependable source of incoming funds to pay your members to view these ads.

    Some sites will offer premium packages, which can help alleviate cash shortages. Most members will not upgrade unless they feel safe, and I would not recommend anyone to give their money to a untested site. Wait, and make sure you have received at least one payout before you invest large amounts of money into these site. Especially if they don't offer instant payouts. 30-60 business days is a long time to wait for a payout in the PTC world. A lot can happen between that time.

    Going back to the ads, a way to know if the owner is showing self advertised ads, is to check the ad out. Most of the time if you remove the frame or right click on the ad and open it in another window you will see the entire web link of the ad. If it is a clickbank ad, check the hoplink. For those who don't know what I am talking about...on a clickbank link you will see a link with a hoplink. Here is a example:

    Most hoplinks will look like that. If you see the same Username in all the clickbank ads, you can count on it being from the owner of the ptc site. Which means he is running a clickbank PTC site. And there are no real outside advertisers on their site
  6. I hope This tips help you and may you find a honest and legit ptc site. I have hand-picked only the most trusted and legit paying PTC sites out of the thousands out there that may end up as scam.  I will try and keep this updated,  Alll the programs on this site is FREE to join and STANDARD members can cashout their earnings. This is especially beneficial for NEWBIES and if you are already experienced in the PTC business, invest thru upgrades and rent referrals to earn hundreds even thousands of dollars monthly! . We will try and keep this updated. Stay safe everyone, and happy earnings.
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